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 Kimberly Jenkins


Kimberly is a native of Tyler, Texas. Kimberly is an author, teacher, Pastor, conference speaker and host. Kimberly is a wife of 25 years, married to Sr. Pastor Keith Jenkins of Redeeming Life Church.  Kimberly holds several educational degrees, a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and Emergency Administration as well as a Bachelor's degree in Psychology.


With a heart for helping and reaching out to couples who want their marriages to last for life, Kimberly became a certified educator for Twogether in Texas.  With so many marriages ending in divorce Kimberly decided to join the state of Texas' initiative to help marriages and families remain whole and happy for life.


Research has shown that couples who have participated in premarital education and marriage enrichment programs improve their communication skills, conflict resolution abilities and increase the maraital happiness in the home.


Kimberly is known for her practical teaching and humor in her teaching.  She is the mother of two teenage girls and is dedicated to helping couples learn to love for life, just as she has.

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